Friday, December 19, 2008


Capital of Chimborazo province, central Ecuador, near Chimborazo volcano, in a high basin of the Andes. Riobamba is an important road junction on the main railroad from Quito to Guayaquil.

From Ambato, 52km to the north, the Panamericana climbs over a 3600m pass that affords great views of the Chimborazo (63l0m) and Carihuairazo (5020m) volcanoes, before dropping to Riobamba at 2750m. An even more spectacular route is the dirt road arriving from Guaranda.

Riobamba is the main departure point for the spectacular train ride to Sibambe and the city's proximity to Chimborazo, Ecuador's highest peak, has made the city a hub of climbing activity and an excellent place to hire climbing guides. Agencies in town, as well as most hotels, can also arrange day trips to refuges on Chimborazo for non climbers who wish to take in the spectacular views from the shoulder of the peak.

Deemed the 'Sultan of the Andes' the city itself is sedate yet handsome, built in a regular chessboard pattern with wide avenues and imposing l8th- and l9th-century stone buildings.

It is set on a large plain surrounded by several snowcapped peaks, which are visible from the city on clear days. An important commercial center for the central highlands, it's always alive with activity, and indigenous people pour in, especially on Saturdays, to buy and sell along the streets and in the markets. Manufactured products include textiles, handicrafts, leather goods, beer, and dairy products.

Riobamba has theaters, various auditoriums and it's known for its large folk dance and music groups. Associations of artists work in different areas like visual arts, music, folk dance, handcrafts and literature. The city is is home of two important universities: "Universidad Nacional del Chimborazo" of liberal arts and a university level polytechnic school ESPOCH (1969).

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